Blog of random intresting stuff

Miguel Espinoza

Written by Miguel Espinoza a Telematics engineer...

GraphQL 101

January 29, 2020

Graph ql workshop Summary Explain with a concepts + hands on workshop the graphql mental model and implementation What is GraphQL GraphQL is…

Testing with react testing library

July 30, 2019

This is my interpretation of the official react-testing library documentation The testing library has a different approach from other…

About Telematics Engineering

April 28, 2019

I studied Telematics Engineering at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional in Mexico, I choose it because it’s a very wide and new field of…

object detection

February 02, 2019

I will use the Pascal VOC dataset, of the 2007 cometition The labels are json create dictionaries indexed by id and the content All…